If you are planning to implement PAF with students who are beginning formal reading instruction, start at Level 1 of the PAF instructional sequence.
You will need the following teacher materials:
1 Alphabet Picture Cards
1 Pocket Chart Alphabet Cards
1 Review Cards, Set 1
For each student:
1 Step By Step Skills Book
1 Pals Reader
1 Pals Skills Book
If you are teaching students who are not beginning readers, download the PAF Test of Single Word Reading to determine at which level to begin.
If you are implementing PAF as a beginning reading program, you can start using the program when formal reading instruction begins in your school or district. For some, that means starting in kindergarten; for others it may mean introducing it in first grade. It can also be used as a remedial program for Tier 2 or Tier 3 students in grades 1 – 6.
The short answer is yes. Since PAF teaches foundational skills and the structure of language, it is a highly effective reading program for English Learners.
The PAF Reading Program is a comprehensive program that addresses all these challenges. It has all the instructional practices supported by the latest research and recommended by the International Dyslexia Association. It provides direct instruction, using multisensory techniques, to help students acquire accurate and automatic sound/symbol associations that impact decoding and spelling. It provides instructional strategies and material that build fluency which improves comprehension.
PAF incorporates Orton-Gillingham methodology with the latest research-based instructional practices. The authors are Fellows of the Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators. Many Orton-Gillingham programs only provide short reading passages for students to practice reading connected text and are designed to be used in one-to-one settings. In contrast, the PAF Program has seven decodable chapter books and corresponding skills books for fluency and comprehension. PAF is the most effective classroom adaptation of Orton-Gillingham. The PAF reading program can easily be used in all educational settings.
PAF is a reading program. However, if schools need to use it together with another reading curriculum, the design of the PAF reading lesson allows for flexibility. Therefore, it can fit into various time allocations designated for reading. Any lesson can be done in one session or over a period of sessions until a particular unit of instruction is completed. However, PAF differs from some other reading programs in that the students read aloud daily under the direct supervision of a teacher. Educators using PAF with groups of students will have to determine how they use it within their educational setting.
The PAF Reading Program can be used in a variety of settings to meet the needs of struggling readers. Curriculum- based assessments are included in the program to help monitor students’ progress and ensure appropriate intervention. The design of the program, as well as its materials, afford the flexibility of using all or parts of the daily lesson depending upon the specific needs of your students regardless of the Tier designation.
The PAF Reading Program provides the instructional tools to meet the Common Core Reading Standards for Foundational Skills, Literature, Informational Text and Language Standards K-3. While we meet all the K-3 Common Core requirements, we believe we have a more developmentally appropriate progression of skills and a few differences should be noted.
For Foundational Skill goals, our sequence is different. We do not teach long vowels in kindergarten, and some of the first and second grade goals, such as reading and spelling two-syllable phonetic root words and suffixes, are taught earlier.
For Literature, we do not teach children to use illustrations as a comprehension strategy when reading fiction.
For Informational Text, it is more developmentally appropriate to teach students to use text features and ask them to compare two texts about the same topic with different points, after third grade.
The PAF Teacher Handbook is a detailed guide for using the PAF Reading Program. It contains over 200 lessons with step-by-step instructions for teaching reading, spelling, and handwriting systematically using multisensory techniques. You will find the PAF materials that are available for both the teacher and students on the website.
Yes. There are two types of assessments.
1. The PAF Test of Single Word Reading
The PAF Test of Single Word Reading is used for placement of new students. It assesses a student’s ability to read words in isolation. It will help teachers determine where students should begin in the PAF sequence.
The PAF Test of Single Word Reading also is used to monitor student progress. The test provides an opportunity to show quantitative growth in reading throughout the school year and from year-to-year. It offers an alternative assessment tool for students who cannot yet read the uncontrolled text on standardized reading tests.
2. The PAF Proficiency Tests
The PAF Proficiency Tests are curriculum-based tests which are administered periodically. Their purpose is to help you maintain the proper pace of instruction and to guide your instructional planning. Analysis of your students’ performance on these assessments will highlight when to reteach key concepts or skills, determine if a student should be moved to a different reading group, or if the group is ready to continue in the sequence.
Yes. The PAF Reading Series, our new decodable chapter books, follow the Instructional Sequence in the PAF Teacher Handbook and replace the Merrill readers.
Yes! The PAF Reading Series can be used to supplement any reading program.
PAF provides training for those who want direct instruction in how to use the program. The goal of PAF’s professional development is to ensure effective instruction by teachers and successful reading outcomes for the students. To this end, comprehensive teacher training and ongoing support can be tailored to the needs of individual schools and districts and can be delivered on site or through synchronous platforms. Please email us at customer.service@pafprogram.com for inquiries regarding training and coaching.
These terms are all used to categorize words as they relate to teaching reading, but a given word can fit into multiple categories. It can be confusing, for sure! Here is a quick guide:
Red Words
Red Words are words that cannot be phonetically decoded, regardless of what you know about phonics. Examples include said, does, or eye. The term is also used in other programs.
Oval Words
Oval words appear in the PAF chapter books and are specific to the program. They are decodable words that students cannot sound out yet because they have not learned the needed phonetic elements. Examples include like, book, and see. Students are not asked to spell or read oval words in isolation. These words were selected and used judiciously to provide coherence to the stories.
Sight Words
Sight words are words that students recognize instantly. They can fall into any of the previous categories: decodable, oval, or Red Words. Building an extensive sight word vocabulary is essential for reading comprehension. It is important to note that what is a sight word for one student may not be a sight word for another.
High-frequency Words
High-frequency words are those that are most commonly used in spoken and written language. Whether a word is decodable or not does not impact its classification as a high-frequency word. For example, does is both a high-frequency word and a Red Word, whereas stop is a high-frequency word but not a Red Word. When words such as does and stop are read automatically, they are considered sight words. With the exception of proper nouns, the PAF program incorporates all high-frequency words for beginning readers from the Dolch and Fry lists, both being collections of words commonly used in children’s books, making these words essential for early reading development.
The goal of the PAF Reading Program is for all words, both decodable and nonphonetic (Red Words), to be recognized automatically. However, the instructional methods differ depending on the type of word. In a multisensory reading program, such as PAF, it is essential to develop associations between letter forms (visual association), sounds (auditory associations), and the motor patterns for writing the letters (kinesthetic associations). Since Red Words have one or more phonetic components that make typical decoding and encoding strategies ineffective, the auditory component must focus on letter names rather than sounds.
Each introductory lesson of a Red Word begins with a discussion of why a particular word is considered red. This is usually due to the vowel sound, as in the Red Words to and was. We explain these pronunciation challenges, but only after students have mastered the entire alphabetic code and have enough knowledge to participate in a discussion of why a word is red.
For example, in the word said, the sounds /s/ and /d/ are accurately represented, but the /ĕ/ sound is not. The letters ai do not represent the sound /ĕ/. It would be counterproductive to have students sound out the word said. We do not want students looking at the letters ai and saying the sound /ĕ/ to read the word. Similarly, we would not ask them to say the sound /ĕ/ while writing ai to spell it. This is particularly egregious when students are learning the alphabetic code and that the sound /ĕ/ is represented by the letter e. Instead, they learn the word said by saying, “said, s-a-i-d.”
Another example: one of the first Red Words taught is the word the. Students have learned that the letter t represents the sound /t/ and the letter h represents /h,/ but not what sound is represented by the letters th. The letter e typically represents the sound /ĕ/ but makes the /ŭ/ sound in the word the. Since students use their phonetic knowledge to sound out the word, they are taught to say, “the, t-h-e” and practice reading and spelling the word that way until it is recognized automatically.